Friday, November 6, 2009

Wurstfest and Halloween

At least she's smiling!!

My pretty girl with her Mimi. Thanks for the dress mom!

Little German Girls

Connor clowning around at his Halloween party at school

Red Power Ranger and Little Red Riding Hood

Tough Guy

Silly Kids

Time is just flying by and the kids are getting so big. Wish I could slow it down and spend more time with these crazy kids!

Love this boy! I just had his conference at school and got his report card. He's doing very well. We just have to work on him wanting to sing and tell stories at the lunch table. I don't know where he gets it from - I'm going to have to say Jeff!

This girl has so much attitude! She absolutely loves her rainboots and puts them on any chance she gets.

Silly girl - Wearing houseshoes that are way too big for her. The girl loves her shoes!

I love this picture because she actually posed and said, "cheese!" Kensie is usually way too busy to stop and be still for a picture.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Eat 'Em Up Cats

The two cutest cheerleaders around

Boko had his hands full!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


We went to the circus again this year at the Frank Irwin Center. The kiddos loved it.

We're back in the swing of things

The kids have been back at school for about a month and they love it. Since I'm at a new school this year they are going to the daycare on my campus. They've both been having so much fun and have been very happy. Connor hasn't complained once and wakes up in such a good mood ready to go. Just this week, Kensie has stopped crying in the mornings when she's dropped off- not that she ever cried for long, but now she waves.
These are pictures of them before they went to school on their first day.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


It's so fun to watch these girls together. Don't they
look like trouble?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fun Sundays

Feeding the ducks after church has become part of our Sunday routine. Kensie gets super excited and starts chattering as soon as she sees them. I think she's saying "duck!"
Sunday is my new favorite day of the week. I love going to church with the family and then spending the rest of the day together.

Kensie was eating more bread than she was giving to the ducks!

This little one does not like riding in the car.

Having some fun at Cabela's.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rockport Trip

I had been wanting to take the kids to the beach all summer, so we finally went about a week ago. I was excited, but things on this trip didn't turn out so well. It was extremely windy, so anytime somebody moved sand flew everywhere. Poor Kensie got a whole face full of sand from her brother. It was even stuck to her eyelashes!

It was just about time to leave - Jeff and Connor were coming in from the water and Connor took off running through seaweed. He stopped and started screaming. By the time Jeff got him to us up on the shore his feet were covered with blood! We're not sure what he stepped on- maybe a rock or shell? We got it wrapped up and headed to Victoria to get stitches. That was the longest ride of my life. Thank goodness Connor fell asleep after a little while. This may have been more traumatic for me than him. When he got the stitches they wrapped him up in a sheet with his arms down so he couldn't move and he kept saying "Why, why!" It is the most awful feeling to not be able to help your child when they are hurting. I would have rather had it happen to me a thousand times instead of to him. I'm so glad my mom decided to come with us to the beach that day. She says she's not good in those kinds of situations, but it made me feel better to have her there! Connor is doing better and should get the stitches out on Thursday. He's not walking on it, but that doesn't stop him from playing around - sometimes a little too ruff. He's so ready to be able to swim again and go to the playground, but he has been enjoying some special treatment and get well gifts!

Back at Mimi and Poppa's after getting stitches.


It's hard to get him to sit still! Here he is playing with Flarp! noise putty. It provides hours of entertainment!